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Autumn Term 2021 in Year 5/6

  • What are we learning in English?

    All our work at the moment is based on 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pulman.

  • What are we learning in Maths?

    We are first catching up with some units missed due to lockdown. These include reflection, translation and 2D and 3D shapes.

  • What is our project work this term?

    Rivers and Mountains is our project.  We are mainly focussing on Rivers up until October half term.  Looking at the features of rivers and vocabulary linked with rivers. 

  • What reading do Year 5/6 complete?

    Everyone in Year 5/6 has 4 reading comprehension sessions each week as well as individual reading. We are listening to 'King of the Cloud Forest' by Michael Morpurgo as our class reading book. Children in Year 5/6 should still read at home at least 4 times each week, please can parents record this in reading records.

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